Let us join hands, hearts, and minds to end the triple threat of GBV, teen pregnancies, and HIV. Through education, empowerment, and compassion, we can create a future where every individual is safe, informed, and free to fulfill their potential.
If we want a future that is liveable and healthy for everyone, it has to be sustainable, it has to protect the people, it has to protect the planet.
No shame, only support. Mental health is a journey, not a destination. Mental health is not a luxury, it’s a necessity. We all have mental health, let’s take care of it.
IT IS WELL promotes SRHR by organizing trainings in partnership with local organizations in Kisii, aiming to educate the community on sexual reproductive health awareness, sanitation through the WASH program, and enhancing access to healthcare services through Community Health Volunteers.
IT IS WELL provides psychosocial support to victims and survivors of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) and other socio-economic challenges. Recognizing the significant impact of mental health issues, the organization collaborates with local organizations to organize mental health awareness forums and counseling sessions.
IT IS WELL actively promotes gender equality by collaborating with key gender departments in the county and national government. Their efforts include developing gender policies, conducting gender awareness trainings, and improving access to services for the vulnerable, such as Access to Government Procurement Opportunities (AGPO) for youth, women, and PWDs.
The organization has well-trained paralegals who advocate for the rights of the vulnerable population, ensuring their protection and assisting those whose rights have been violated in court. Special attention is given to handling cases involving children and women without internal and external interference.
IT IS WELL supports environmental conservation through initiatives such as tree planting, solid waste management, organic farming, smart agriculture, value addition, awareness creation on harmful environmental practices, and climate change mitigation.
The organization envisions improving the economic standards of the vulnerable by linking them with financial institutions for training and financial literacy. This enables them to set up and manage businesses independently and save through SACCOs and other platforms.
To create awareness on HIV. The project will aim at giving general knowledge on HIV with the main focus being HIV prevention through HIV testing, the use of PREP, PEP and safe sex as well as ART adherence to AYPLHIV and defaulter tracing with emphasis on U=U(undetectable=transmittable). We will use the three HIV prevention approaches i.e. behavioral, biomedical and structural approach to help eliminate new HIV infections.
Build and strengthen strategic linkages and partnerships to enhance capacity of local leadership and families to identify, respond and report all forms of SGBV, GBV, child sexual assaults and child abuse for possible measures to be taken in protection of children rights, growth and development. SPI shall also sensitize on the return of girls to school after delivery through a comprehensive engagement and sensitization of parents and caregivers on the girl education policy and child rights to education.
IT IS WELL has a safe house where it provides alternative accommodation for gender based violence survivors’ for a maximum period of 90 days. Our goal is to empower survivors and secure not only temporally housing but also their independence.
Our Featured Project
Our project draws on the latest advancements in virtual reality, augmented reality, and interactive media to transport participants into a world where boundaries blur and possibilities expand. It leverages innovative techniques, such as interactive installations, spatial audio, and sensory integration, to create a truly immersive and transformative encounter.

Let us join hands, hearts, and minds to end the triple threat of GBV, teen pregnancies, and HIV. Through education, empowerment, and compassion, we can create a future where every individual is safe, informed, and free to fulfill their potential.

No shame, only support. Mental health is a journey, not a destination. Mental health is not a luxury, it’s a necessity. We all have mental health, let’s take care of it.

If we want a future that is liveable and healthy for everyone, it has to be sustainable, it has to protect the people, it has to protect the planet.